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Massive Wiki Wednesday (US-EU), 2021-07-28
notes only, no video recording
Bill Anderson, Phil Kennedy, Michael Grossman, Peter Kaminski
- Opal
- Massive Wiki Community Wikis
- Emergent Event Sensemaking, COVID edition
Some interesting side discussions on:
- gendered acculturation
- "followship"
EES, Covid Edition
- Mattermost channel? Factr? Massive Wiki?
- partly-refined information + context, not necessarily accurate
- should be signal, not noise
- doesn't have to be perfect or even necessarily correct, but you should think it's important, and important to share
- anecdotes can be important! make sure to note that it's anecdotal, though, and give a little context about what you think about the source
- personal responsibility for "notecards" added to the megastream
- develop a process of refining steps that make the information better and more organized
- transient
- info-stream, dipping ladle in a river, twitter feed (i see what i see, i don't go back and try to see everything)
- "constructed ignorance"
Massive Wiki Community Wikis
Need to make a map!
- "marcom" site
- user community
- developer community
- some kind of knowledgebase?
GDM (G*** Docs to Massive)
- a sibling to Matrix-to-Massive
- the idea is to pull Google Docs in a particular folder, transform them to Markdown, and then put them into a folder in a Massive Wiki
- Ionic (Electron, Web)
- Editor: MCEditor, CK Edit, Quill, SlateJS (used by Netlify CMS)?
- JavaScript Git client
- Nimbus Note (possible Evernote replacement)
- Krista Tippett and On Being
- "The Birth of the Modern World, 1780 - 1914", book by C. A. Bayly
- "Heart of Darkness", book by Joseph Conrad