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Massive Wiki Wednesday (US-EU), 2021-08-25
Bill Anderson, Bentley Davis, Peter Kaminski
- reorganizing MW org wikis
- "Conversations"
- Opal & Omni Editor
- "Job Jar"
- chunking, naming, linking
- chunking into smaller pieces
- aggregating chunks that are too small into larger, better chunks
- Minimal Viable Meetings (Stowe Boyd)
Start off knowing what we're doing.
- can we / should we organize things
- chunking, naming, linking
- naming heuristics
- e.g., Short Noun Phrases
Omni Editor
- cloud editor
- reads/writes files from different backends: GitHub, git, Fission, Google Drive, local drive
Procedural Bots
- spelunk Pete's Twitter Lists
- Time To Call It AI Again. “Gradually, then suddenly.” (Eric Elliott) (2021-08) (Medium)
Omni Editor - omnied - as in the wiki was "omnied"
Stowe Boyd Minimal Viable Meetings