2023-04-06 Bill submodule mishigas
- In massivewikibuilder repository:
beckett: ~/Public/pkgs/massive-wiki/massivewikibuilder
I ended up making a branch for the new MWB3 code and pushing that to the home repo: that command line stuff is here:
$ git branch wla-mwb3-20230406 HEAD
$ git branch -l
* main
$ git checkout wla-mwb3-20230406
Switched to branch 'wla-mwb3-20230406'
$ git branch -l
* wla-mwb3-20230406
$ git push -u origin wla-mwb3-20230406
Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: Create a pull request for 'wla-mwb3-20230406' on GitHub by visiting:
remote: https://github.com/peterkaminski/massivewikibuilder/pull/new/wla-mwb3-20230406
To https://github.com/peterkaminski/massivewikibuilder.git
* [new branch] wla-mwb3-20230406 -> wla-mwb3-20230406
branch 'wla-mwb3-20230406' set up to track 'origin/wla-mwb3-20230406'.
- In developer.massive.wiki vault:
beckett: ~/Documents/Github/developer-massive-wiki
Once the
submodule was updated I needed to adjust the .gitmodules
file in the developer wiki to get that code into my working repo;-- or I think I needed to do that.
$ git config --file=.gitmodules -l
$ git submodule set-branch -b wla-mwb3-20230406 \ .massivewikibuilder/massivewikibuilder
$ git submodule sync
$ git submodule update --init --recursive --remote
$ git add .massivewikibuilder/massivewikibuilder
$ git commit -m "new mwb3 code on a branch"
$ git push -v
- I used Bing Chat to ask
how-to questions. The answers were helpful and the (are we calling it "conversational") interaction was pleasant. I also learned a few new git commands along the way:
$ git rev-parse HEAD
$ git rev-parse tagID
- Also more learning in this attempt to remove the MWB submodule from
$ git rm --cached .massivewikibuilder/massivewikibuilder
error: the following file has staged content different from both the
file and the HEAD:
(use -f to force removal)
$ git rm -f --cached .massivewikibuilder/massivewikibuilder
$ rm -fr \ .git/modules/massivewikibuilder
$ git commit -m "removed submodule massivewikibuilder"
[main 2d0382c] removed submodule massivewikibuilder
2 files changed, 4 deletions(-)
delete mode 160000 .massivewikibuilder/massivewikibuilder
$ git status
On branch main
Your branch is ahead of 'origin/main' by 1 commit.
(use "git push" to publish your local commits)