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2024-01-08 PyPI module notes

(note by Bill)

  • reviewed several PyPI module build tools and settled on two prospects:

    1. flit: simple to put into practice; minimal metadata required
    2. hatch: also simple; metadata seems more complicated; also supports more options
  • (also experimented with using build and twine modules: very simple; does not support dependencies so that is not suitable for Massive Wiki publishing.)

  • important to create and use test.pypi.org to work out the use details; requires creating a login and an API key

  • reading the flit documentation, care must be taken to insure that testing uses the test.pypi.org system; seems easy to end up using the default, which is the main PyPI server, and that needs to be avoided.

  • questions to answer:

    • best to just have an empty __init.py__ file?
    • where is a good place to define the version descriptor? (reason for this question: some docs show it in the pyproject.toml file which seems like a terrible place -- once all that metadata is set up just leave that file alone; some docs show it imported into the __init.py__ file, but how is that used?; flit wants the version descriptor at the top of the source file -- OK, that seems maintainable )
