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Massive Wiki Wednesday, 2022-06-15

MWB Search

Various Goals

  • as a website visitor, I can do a full-text search over the whole wiki
  • as a website visitor, I can start typing and see type-ahead results appear in real-time
  • as an MWB developer, I want to experiment with UX of a search box and search results
  • as an MWB developer, I want to experiment with UX of a type-ahead results
  • as an MWB developer, I want to experiment with Elasticlunr

Some approaches for experimenting with search.

Approach 1 - simple crowbar Elasticlunr into MWB

  • install a search box in page.html (or header, or whatever)
  • in mwb.py, write a JSON index that Elasticlunr can read
  • hook up the search box to Elasticlunr
  • profit!

Approach 2 - play with an Elasticlunr how-to

  • don't use MWB yet
  • use an Elasticlunr "how-to", follow it verbatim
  • profit!

Approach 3 - try search, but not Elasticlunr

  • install a search box in page.html (or header, or whatever)
  • in mwb.py, write a database/index (maybe sqlite3?) that we can read
  • hook up the search box to some code we wrote that can read the database/index
  • present search results

Approach 4 - UX of search + search results

  • install a search box in page.html (or header, or whatever)
  • write the simplest possible code that would return mock search results