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Chunking, naming, and linking

Pete likes to call this "Chunking, naming, linking", in that order. (Why, Pete?)

2021-09-05 "chunking, naming, and linking" notions.

This page contains some preliminary thinking by Bill Anderson.

  1. The ideas of "chunking, naming, and linking" are related to managing wiki contents, as well as information system architecture, design, and deployment. I have questions about each of these notions. These questions are also about classification.

  2. First,"chunking": this is a term used in cog-sci to name the human mental work of putting ideas or text entities together under one category or in one place. Sometimes chunking requires breaking large items into smaller pieces; e.g., a large text document into separated sections, such as paragraphs, or even sentences or phrases.

    • are all chunking schemes hierarchical? (Need to explore Faceted classification)
    • is tagging chunking? (Bill's friend Marty McGowan asserts that tags either name a collection or a property of an information item.)
  3. Second, "naming": in computer-based information systems every item needs a name. The computer system needs ways of representing the digital items so that they can be accessed and maintained over time. And in our lived experience we use names to enable sharing our experiences of the world with each other. - all names are arbitrary and socially determined - naming schemes? whatever they are they need to be agreed upon to support long-lived linking.

  4. Third, "linking": in my mind this notion refers to practices of connecting separate information items by explicit relations (and relationships?).

2021-09-17 "wiki thoughts"

Following up on some thoughts from Peter Kaminski.

  1. Information organization on a wiki is focused on linking and chunking rather than classification. Change that.

  2. Put ideas into a wiki page and create links for the associations the arise during the writing.

    • (Speculation) This method will lead to a large number of linked pages, any of which could be turned into a primary essay. (One example of Bill Anderson's notion of picking up a connected graph by one of the nodes and shaking to produce a hierarchy.)

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