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Converting MediaWiki to Massive Wiki

This is a general overview of how to convert the pages from a running MediaWiki instance to Massive Wiki pages. There are many variables involved in the process, and you may need to change these steps or add more; or, it might not work at all. These instructions are provided as a skeleton framework on which to build, and are offered in the hope that they're useful as a starting point to build from.


We use an open source tool which knows how to read a MediaWiki XML export file and write Markdown pages. Among other things, it uses Pandoc under the hood.

The tool we used was Mediawiki to GitHub Flavoured Markdown, which is based on MediaWiki to Markdown.

Export MediaWiki to XML

Consulting Help:Export - Wikipedia, we decided to use the first method documented there, Special:Export, after collecting all the page names with Special:AllPages. (If you're a Python developer, Pywikibot looks interesting too, but more involved.)

Converting the XML Export to Markdown

We ran the Dockerized version of Mediawiki to GitHub Flavoured Markdown.

Create a directory, change into the directory, and run the following command.

docker run -v $PWD:/app thawn/mediawiki-to-gfm --filename=YOUR_EXPORT.xml

The app will create a directory called output and save the Markdown files there. It will take a few seconds for each page.

Considerations for Massive Wiki

At this point, you are pretty close to having a Massive Wiki. Things to consider: