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Dolce is an MWB theme under development.
Hamburger Menus and Toggling Sections
see Hamburger Menus and Toggling Sections 2024-05-01.drawio.png
Navigation Hamburger / Floating
if page_width < 768
- nav-ham-icon turns on
if page_width > 768
- nav-ham-icon turns off
if nav-ham-icon clicked:
- toggle display of nav-floating
for dev: if dev-ham-icon clicked:
- toggle display of side-column + side-floating (either on-off or off-on)
Simple Dolce Mockup, 2024-05-15
Bill and Pete worked a little on a new mockup of some of the Dolce toggling.
It's at simple-dolce-mockup.html.
is now the theme for developer-wiki, and,nxc
(the test-pypi package) has replaced MassiveWikiBuilder (and this note is part of a test of a breakdown on another MassiveWiki)