Link workbench
These are a set of pages that help us think through and test wiki link handling, both for Massive Wiki Builder, and Massive Wiki in general.
- Massive Wiki Builder wikilinks specification
- Enhancement request: switchable transformation for page filename to slug ยท Issue #34
- other files in this directory
Concepts include:
- page name - the title of the page, used in wiki links
- filename - when the wiki is stored in a filesystem, the name of the file that contains the page
- slug - the page identifier, usually a transformation of the page name / filename, used for a page's URL
- filename mangling - the process of turning an arbitrary filename into a URL-compliant slug. less frequently, might refer to transformations from page name to file name, respecting filesystem limitations on characters or length. more usually, a filesystem-based wiki will prevent people from creating page titles that cannot also be file names.
Other systems
- HedgeDoc will not be a wiki, and related matters - possible wiki link syntaxes, URL safety, Unicode issues.
- FedWiki: