MWB to MarkPub upgrade
Note: 2025-01-08 Move from using MWB to MarkPub
- Initialize the local GitHub repository directory
markpub init /Users/band/Documents/myWikis/bandstands
- Compare contents of
to previous mwb.yaml
cd /Users/band/Documents/myWikis/bandstands
diff .markpub/markpub.yaml .massivewikibuilder/mwb.yaml
- test local build of website using MarkPub
3.1. setup Python3
cd .markpub
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements
3.2. on the local machine: first install node modules, then build the website
npm ci
markpub build -i .. -o ./output --lunr --commits
3.3. view the build result
cd output
python -m http.server
Open a browser to http://localhost:8000
Commit the MarkPub changes to the repository
- include the changes to
; clean this up later
- include the changes to
TODO: move old Sidebar content into the new Sidebar
- use Obsidian or another text editor
git commit
the Sidebar updates
I pushed all committed changes; might have been better to push in stages
7.1. add JS back todolce/page.html
The steps Bill used to remove MassiveWikiBuilder and MWThemes
git submodule deinit -f .massivewikibuilder/massivewikibuilder
rm -rf .git/modules/.massivewikibuilder/massivewikibuilder
rm -rf .massivewikibuilder/massivewikibuilder
Edit the .gitmodules file and delete these lines
[submodule ".massivewikibuilder/massivewikibuilder"]
path = .massivewikibuilder/massivewikibuilder
url =
branch = main
git rm --cached .massivewikibuilder/massivewikibuilder
git commit -am "Removed submodule .massivewikibuilder/massivewikibuilder"
git push
- once this is complete I think it is safe to
rm .gitmodules
rm -fr .git/modules
- review any outstanding
changes; commit and push what is relevant- review the output that is published on the web
- if it all looks good, then I think the upgrade (or transition) is done
TODO: document the cleanup of .gitignore