Massive Wiki Wednesday, 2021-06-30
Wednesday, 2021-06-30 9am PDT, 12pm EDT, 4pm UTC, 6pm CEST
Agenda Items
- what have you noticed or observed about Massive ____ this week that seems worth making a note of, if anything?
- which Massive Wiki wikis?
- Massive Wiki wishlist
- Massive Roadmap
- GitHub authentication
- multisensory data
- Massive Pitch
- GitHub vs. GitLab, Gitea
Massive Pitch
- record an hour (or two) of video, then collectively garden the interesting bits out
- Bill's haiku notes
- what did we hear
- what was "said", but not actually spoken
- Tavistock, social dreaming
- cf. collective presencing
- there's a lot of friction
- startup piece, obviously
- e.g., needs a lot of curation
- need to ideate/learn how to/iterate structure information
- build / do something useful for a community
- aspirational documentary, e.g., three communities, sensorica, p2pfoundation, cicolab, peeragogy, etc. being able to come together
- collecting and distilling CICOLAB wraps
- super quick annotations
- commenting
- more sharing
GitHub authentication
- Pete to try Bill's instructions on Windows and Mac