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Massive Wiki Wednesday, 2022-08-09
- [ ] refactoring
- [ ] the code blocks that render
from markdown share identical code - [ ] replace
code with list comprehensions usingglob
? (may be easier to read and maintain?)
- [ ] the code blocks that render
- [ ] review Massive Wiki Roadmap
- [ ] releasing v2.0.x
- [ ] review "Recent Pages" work
- [ ] developing a project plan for upgrading various deployed wikis to v2.x
- [x] celebrate MWB by reviewing a couple of Obsidian -> Hugo options
- "sharing" (read/write) vs. "publishing" (mostly read-only)
- Massive Wiki Starter is now biased towards people who want to publish
- maybe rename/brand to emphasize Publishing
- easy update process, see below "Refreshing a wiki to have MWB 2.x"
Refreshing a wiki to have MWB 2.x
Get a clean version for a new repo
This process re-instantiates the submodules, which is good for keeping MWB and MWT files out of the repo (there's a reference pointer to the repos, but the files themselves don't get added to the repo), and also good for local testing.
git clone git@github.com:Massive-Wiki/massive-wiki-starter.git developer.massive.wiki
cd developer.massive.wiki
rm -rf .git
git init
cd .massivewikibuilder
more ../.gitmodules # get addresses for MWB and MWT
rmdir massivewikibuilder massive-wiki-themes
git submodule add https://github.com/peterkaminski/massivewikibuilder.git
git submodule add https://github.com/peterkaminski/massive-wiki-themes.git
cd ..
git add .
git commit -m "start with Massive Wiki Starter"
Push this new repo to GitHub
gh repo create developer.massive.wiki --public --source=. --remote=upstream
git branch -M main
git remote add origin https://github.com/GH-UserID/developer.massive.wiki.git
git push -u origin main
Copy content over from previous version
- copy over all the MD files and .obsidian (but don't overwrite netlify.toml)
- cd ../old-developer.massive.wiki
- cp -av * ../developer.massive.wiki # doesn't copy dotfiles/dotdirectories
- cp -av .obsidian ../developer.massive.wiki # copy .obsidian
- cd ../developer.massive.wiki
- git checkout netlify.toml # restore netlify.toml we just copied over
- copy over mwb.yaml
- cp ../old-developer.massive.wiki/.massivewikibuilder/mwb.yaml .massivewikibuilder/
- git add, commit, and push
Local Testing
(add setting up venv, pip install, npm ci, etc.)
Next Steps
- Pete should announce MW and MWB on the Obsidian Forums (and wherever people talk about e.g., Obsidian+Hugo)