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Massive Wiki Wednesday, 2022-08-23
(on Tuesday this week)
- [x] Bill's MWB 2.0 migration script
- [x] Getting People Started
- [x] Syncthing vs. Hypercore Hyperdrives
- [ ] IPFS
- [ ] pinning
- [x]
- [x] "first image" / hero image feature
- [x] "Recently Pulled Files" section in Obsidian Git's Source Code view
- https://github.com/denolehov/obsidian-git/pull/269
- https://github.com/denolehov/obsidian-git/issues/260
- [x] make an MX clone in Python? or JavaScript? collaborative?
Inspired by git-empty
Massive Wiki commands for git
git massive
git wiki
git massive-wiki-starter
Refresh a wiki in the same repo
- copy all the content files (*.md, mwb.yaml, .gitignore, custom themes, github description) someplace safe
- delete all files
- git commit --allow-empty -m "zero out wiki for refresh"
- copy in the MWB/MWT git modules, netlify.toml (from Starter Wiki)
- copy all the content files back in
- git add .
- git commit -m "wiki is refreshed"
Getting People Started
- with Massive Wiki Starter
- with a web site that helps people start a page or a few pages, then they can download it
- similar, but with something like TiddlyWiki as the start