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Massive Wiki Wednesday, 2023-01-18
- [x] bang for embedded images (Jonathan's question)
- [x] starting to use Pulsar?
- [x] ML to take a look
- [ ] SuperLiminal getting to the point of having topic(s)
- the liminal area between systems, QWAN, pattern languages, maybe a few more
- [x] e-mail attachment model of a massive wiki ("massive wiki by email")
- [x] blog by email, wiki by email
- [x] Posterous
- [x] blog by email, wiki by email
- [x] email-in to Obsidian?
- [x] IFTTT and OneDrive, Patrick Berry (Medium)
- [x] Using Integromat and Obsidian Webhooks, bwydoogh (Obsidian Forum)
- [ ] blogging / wiki-ing
- https://tftmap.massive.wiki/blog/the_way_of_the_wiki_meets_blogging
- permanent versions
- reach out to the Hugo/Obsidian blogging crew in phase 2 or 3?
- [ ] clean up and publish Mac Onboarding
ML's PC notes
- create folder on PC
- outside onedrive, other synch services?
- go to repo, click Code, grab URL
- install Git
- create repo: URL + folder
- open folder as vault in Obsidian
- Settings > Appearance > Advanced, turn off "Show inline title"
- install and enable Obsidian Git
- options...
- choose the 'origin/main option' on first push