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Massive Wiki Wednesday, 2024-02-07
For 2024-02-14
- Work on the README and other documentation for PyPI, as a way of determining what to build for the way we want to deploy
- Finalize short list of grant proposal topics to Waggle Dance
- Related Communities / Projects
- TIPO - "Tools, Inputs, Process, Outputs"
- PyPI module
- cultural changes around sharing
- connecting Anagora and Massive Wiki
- collective authorship
- CSC Discourse?
Taxonomy of Collective Authorship
- Immediacy: Or, The Style of Too Late Capitalism, by Anna Kornbluh
Related Communities / Projects
- NeoBooks
- Fellowship of the Link
- Waggle Dance
- JPPB - Jordan and Pete Publish a Book
Massive Wiki
- an Edit button
- generate community via conversation
- a "simple" git host (e.g. CSC Gitolite)