Massive Wiki Wednesday, 2024-03-20
- transclusion fix
- link to transcluded page
- PyPI module project plan
- Edit This Page architecture
- closed #60
- version 3.2 release, roadmap for next things after things
Git Branching Stuff
- some of the work involves GitHub (for better or worse)
- GitButler
- GitHub Desktop
- Git Flow
- GitHub Flow
- each team's negotiated and documented branching strategy
Why / How Massive Wiki Resources
a presentation by Aram about static websites, and why to set them up:
Why to learn Obsidian
- to keep personal notes
- to keep versioned personal notes
- to work with a team, and keep team notes
- it's free
- it's futureproof
- each note is easy to repurpose and share
- to create professional-looking websites that can be hosted for free
- you can "link as you think", use tags, and other organization methods
- it uses Markdown, which is easy to use and useful many other places
Some Links