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Massive Wiki Wednesday, 2024-07-09
- [x] fold in "website root" code, so it works locally, on Netlify, and on GitHub Pages
- [ ] merge pytest code
- [ ] finish Dolce to v1 (footer and whatever), PK
- [ ] finish and document "Edit on $git_repo" button
- [x] move mainline dev work to nxc (which will have its name changed someday)
- [ ] manual testing:
- [ ] with another forge or two, in case there's something unexpectedly different in how they handle this.
- [ ] What happens when you have a github account, but are not a contributor. May be able to make a pull-request. Might require too many details to explain that in a tooltip.
- [ ] clean up mwb repo issues list, port any keepers to the new repo
- [ ] code review everything
- [ ] find a name
- [ ] make landing page for module nice enough
Getting Started with NXC
(as it works currently; workflow and docs will be tweaked to improve)
- make a new empty directory and change to it
- make a venv:
python3 -m venv venv
- activate venv:
source venv/bin/activate
- (to deactivate later:
) - download requirements.txt from https://github.com/band/nxcTestVault/blob/main/.massivewikibuilder/requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
nxc init
and answer questionstouch README.md
nxc build -i . -o ../output
- will get built into output dir; cd there and run a local webserver with e.g.
python3 -m http.server
"Edit This Page" etc.
- historical UEB: https://universaleditbutton.org/
Wikimedia constitutional change (Pete: "not great") going on
- read Samuel (SJ) Klein's message here, and more discussion in a couple related threads: https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/offline-l@lists.wikimedia.org/thread/HUPJD3JKCBEBOWBAUV2ICVM46SXRHIJG/