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don't worry if things look different for a while!)

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wiki link test page
Mistletoe parser test page
Mistletoe & the ampersand story

Edit on GitHub

Massive Wiki Wednesday, 2024-07-17



Wiki Birthday 30

Slow - shifting center-of-gravity of wiki attention to 30th WikiBirthday, next March 25.

Supporting different build/deploy platforms

Possible fix for GitHub pages commits being on the other branch

With the idea that the problem is that our code is looking at whatever build branch rather than main (or whatever), we could just specify the correct branch (after getting that info from the user via nxc.yaml or whatever)

p = subprocess.run(["git", "-C", Path(root), "log", $branch_name, "-1", '--pretty="%cI\t%an\t%s"', Path(file).name], capture_output=True, check=True)

Current NXC work


my running PyPI dev notes: https://massive-wiki.github.io/developer-massive-wiki/PyPI_module_development_notes.html