Massive Wiki Wednesday (US-EU), 2021-07-14
- Note-taking Tools
- CSC Mattermost Ops
- Now There Are Two Massive Wiki Wednesdays
- Everything is a Project initiative
- Git Hosts
- MW Org Projects
Note-taking / Bookmarking Tools
- Bear
- Ulysses
- Dynalist + bookmarking addon
- Scrivener
- Linking and thinking together.
- Getting everybody on the same page.
- Knowledge work is so personal.
Massive Wiki Wednesdays
- A (ANZ-Asia-US), 0:30am UTC
- B (Europe-US), 4:00pm UTC
- EIAP template
- OKRs
- transparency, accessibility
- fractal projects
- wikis :slightly_smiling_face:
- "practicable" "satisficing"
Git Hosts
- GitHub
- CSC GitLab
- Gitea?
MW Org Projects
- Simplest Path To Git
- Windows, Mac
- Critical Massive Wiki Builder Bugs
- Matrix to Massive
- Branding and Logos
- Rationalizing MW Org Wikis
- Community Knowledgebase Wikis (CSC?)
- subsidiarity (chunking, naming)
- books
- people profiles
- federation (linking)
- subsidiarity (chunking, naming)
- Skins
- Wiki with sidebar
- CSC GitLab and/or Gitea
- remember not to stick on "Git", but Ma SVF (shared, versioned files)
- Outreach
- Advanced Massive Wiki
- "levels"
- interwiki linking
- federating pages
- Git branches, fork/pull, pull requests collaboration
Resources / Links
- The 23 stages of the task management software lifecycle (Alexandra Samuel)
- Philosophical Foundations of Climate Change Policy (Joseph Heath)
- "climate is the history of the weather" "without models, there is no data" - [A Vast Machine: Computer Models, Climate Data, and the Politics of Global Warming] book by Paul N. Edwards