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MasWiki Python Module meeting, 2024-01-30

Off Topic

Use Cases, Personas

  1. I'm installing MasWiki because I want to turn Obsidian vaults into websites -> install MasWiki
    • "website" - does that mean local? cloud? both?
    • "install MasWiki" -- globally, or with a venv
  2. I want a quick and easy website (and a static site is okay) -> install Publishing Toolkit Further notes on this topic: web and wiki publishing - scenarios and workflows

Package Name

Research: "init" methods used by other tools

General Architecture

MasWiki -- the builder

Publishing Toolkit - template repo to get a static website up easily

MasWiki Actual Getting Started Instructions

stuff goes here

Installed Globally, used for multiple wikis

Publishing Toolkit Actual Getting Started Instructions

User that doesn't know or care how it works, just needs a website

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