Waggle Dance, 2024-01-24
Jerry's Notes
Costing Estimate Legend
SWAG values, not necessarily reality
- $ - 4 to 8 hrs
- $$ - 8 to 24 hrs
- $$$ - 24 to 100
- $$$$ - 100 to 400
List from Jerry's Brain
- Create GPTs for Massive Wikis
- starter cost: $
- GPT and GPT-like platforms: OpenAI GPT Store, FlowGPT, Poe.com
- some "one-button" way to take the contents of a MW and set it up to turn it into a GPT
- More generalized AI to have a conversation with a given corpus? Are these the same?
- What is the limit on model size? Can it handle 1 to 2 million words?
- If you don't have a GPT that goes with your book...
- Make Massive Wiki More of a Wiki (editing from the Web interface)
- starter cost (maquette that works, "Edit This Page" button that goes to the GitHub page for this file for editing): $$
- making it nice: $$$ - $$$$
- Inverse reationship between ease of use in starting up, and power... 99% of people reading web, don't know how to make a website or contribute to wiki... Most people don't want to edit - want to 1. comment 2. copy and post to blog and comment...
- Need essentially two interfaces...
- one for people who may want to edit...
- another for people who don't (99.99% of people - will find it difficult to conceptualize editing a page). Most never interact with text in a contributory way.
- also see "A Menu for Contributing to a Wiki Web Page" belowlad
- Themes for Massive Wiki
- each simple theme: $, each advanced theme: $$
- Childrens Book
- Text Book
- Documentation (that looks like software documentation websites)
- Make the NeoBook / Lionsberg Wiki Books Reading Experience Special
- Beyond themes - what should the reading experience on the web be?
- Examples
- Chris Aldrich?
- Andy Matuschak?
- Ability to have distinct themes for a subset of the wiki
- starter version: $$
- Better Interwiki
- cross-wiki linking
- cross-wiki transclusion
- sister pages
- viewing multiple wikis as one
- $$ to have ideas
- $$$ to start
- $$$$ quickly
- Distinct themes for subsets (above) - is lower hanging fruit...
- Decentralizations - multiple communities talking to one another through the magic of wikis that can look separate or like one thing...
- similar in ways to the old blogosphere with pingbacks and trackbacks
- Issue of Canonicity and Decentralization and Quality...
- Navigation towards Truth
- discussion space for each issue
- hypernetwork
- ways to hold separate truths at the same time, and for readers to vote or certify their views
- Ability to separate out subsets of issues - and point and reference...
- The crystalization of things towards coherence and consensus...
- Kind of like honeybee democracy
- Great noosphere
- Interesting links to governance and decision making
- Proxy voting and delegation of responsiblity and authority by domain...
- Dalios - Believability weighted idea meritocracy...
- Managing NeoBook Metadata
- standardized "tropes" like cut/copy/paste
- NeoBook Writing Dashboard
- is this the scrivener-ish view+pages
- Path from Massive Wiki to ePub and KDP
Publishing / ISBN #s etc.
- Permalinks for Plex Post Articles
- 1 page per post, one generated page that acts as the whole Plex publication
- Ability to serialize publishing then combine later...
- Podcast Infrastructure for Massive Wiki
- Present from a Wiki - NeoDeck
- javascript presentation framework
- Storytelling with Massive Wiki
- e.g. Prezi, along with other ways to assist narrative
- c.f. a chatbot interface, which would include "tell me a story about..." within the corpus
- The OGM Multiplane Mosaic
- Separating out levels of abstraction... moving between them... understanding what we are talking about where in the Salience Landscape...
- ladder of abstraction
- Making a very important invisible / unconscious narrative framework conscious / visible so we can navigate the landscape of coneptualization together...
- Opal, a desktop / web / mobile front-end, or client, for Massive Wiki
- supplants Obsidian+Git
- makes Git easier, particularly
- Zircon, a Massive Wiki frontend for Git forges
Some of Pete and Bill's list of easy / important fixes and additions
- Separate Home Page template (or better, multiple page templates, choose which template with metadata in page)
- starter version: $
- Fix Basso or create another theme where the sidebar (not the top nav) folds into a hamburger menu
- starter version: $, nice version: $$
- Ship or replace Coriander (a non-framework-based theme)
- fix or close issues in https://github.com/Massive-Wiki/massivewikibuilder/issues
A Menu for Contributing to a Wiki Web Page
(is this list too hard? think cut, copy, paste)
- Edit this page
- Comment on this page
- Comment on this sentence
- Write the author
- Join this community
- Be notified of updates
Next Steps
- $6,000 grant request to Lionsberg
- Longer range federated proposal that aggregates up the requisite pieces