(we are switching to a new theme,
don't worry if things look different for a while!)

Site Navigation


Massive Wiki Roadmap
Massive Wiki Builder redesign

For Testing

wiki link test page
Mistletoe parser test page
Mistletoe & the ampersand story

Edit on GitHub

new wiki install notes

Notes on attempting to start up a new MW using the starter-repo



2022-07-27 (Bill)

cd wiki-root-directory    
git config -f .gitmodules submodule..massivewikibuilder/massivewikibuilder.branch pk-v2.0.0-rc-20220726  
git config -f .gitmodules submodule..massivewikibuilder/massive-wiki-themes.branch pk-updates-for-mwbv2-20220726  
git submodule update --remote --recursive  
git config --file=.gitmodules -l  

now ready to test (TODO: local testing notes) MWB with updated branch submodules:
- added a Sidebar and MWB succeeds using massive-wiki-themes/basso
- Note: replace basso in .massivewikibuilder/this-wiki-themes

next step: test with search
- step 1: npm ci in massivewikibuilder directory to install local node_modules
- step 2: MWB build adding --lunr option to the MWB command
- two breakdowns:
- (1) no "Search" button on the navbar (?)
- (2) able to use the "Search" link I included on the Sidebar; however, search not initiated on key-down (so some code did not get transferred to the MWB branch) - needed to copy _navbar.html_ and search.html from developer-massive-wiki basso theme to myStarterWiki this-wiki-themes/basso - (do not have permissions to push to MWT branch; create a pull request?)

test case. here is Bill's plan:

  1. clone a starter wiki using the clone with remote submodules
  2. add content; insure that MWB works
  3. update the MWB submodule code by copying the 2.0 files
  4. insure that MWB works
  5. then update my copy of MWB main branch
  6. check in those changes
  7. clone another starter wiki including submodules
  8. add content; insure MWB works

Pete, 2022-07-26

Work steps

Today I Learned: Submodule update vs. init

this is the "update" incantation:

git submodule update --recursive --remote

but if you're setting up submodules for the first time, you need to do this, to turn the submodules references into Git folders:

git submodule update --init --recursive