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_Last updated 2024-04-10 by Peter Kaminski_ [[Basso]] is the current standard theme used for Massive Wikis. You can customize this theme to change how your wiki website looks when built. Here, we will demonstrate how to use a font from Google Fonts, [...]

- pytest - proposal - pypi module - next steps - finding a community to ask questions - how to install a Google Font in Basso - working on - ran on Pete's computer - Bill to [...]

We are excited to present a comprehensive proposal for the development and enhancement of features for Massive Wiki Builder, part of the Massive Wiki ecosystem. Open Global Mind, spearheaded by Jerry Michalski, is the project sponsor. The features [...]

2024-03-15: some notes to scope the work needed to put a Massive Wiki into practice ----- What are the pre-requisites for using Massive Wiki? 1. Familiar with Markdown formatting of text files 2. Some experience using `git` and [...]

Add an "edit this page" button to every Massive Wiki page that allows a wiki reader to edit the page content and stage the changes for incorporation into the wiki. Timeline: - Feature implemented in MWB v3.3.0, 2024-05-15, still to do: - [...]