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Static Site Generators
- Assemble - static site generator for Grunt.js, Yeoman and Node.js. "npm install assemble"
- Gatsby
- Hugo
- Jekyll
- Nikola
- Metalsmith
- Pelican
Documentation Generators
- Sphinx Doc
- Docusaurus
Front Matter
Obsidian -> Hugo options
2022-08-10: Bill started looking at Obsidian -> Hugo softwares and practices. It turns out that PK's MassiveWikiBuilder is a well thought out solution to the "now-how-do-i-publish-my-massive-wiki" question.
But here are a couple of links and notes from Bill's searchings
- hugo-wikilinks: a module for Hugo to include wikilinks style to your content https://github.com/milafrerichs/hugo-wikilinks (n.b.: this has not been tested)
- this may fix a problem that this "Obsidian Vault to Hugo Content" https://github.com/devidw/obsidian-to-hugo has with wiki-links. This software also shows several of the major breakdowns between MassiveWiki content generated in Obsidian, and the model that Hugo has for blog-style content.