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"YAML is a human friendly data serialization standard for all programming languages." - yaml.org


The Camel Brief YAML reference


YAML Ain’t Markup Language (YAML™) Version 1.2

Notes, Tips

Regarding Markdown "Front Matter"

"---" separates sections ("documents") of YAML. Using "--- (YAML lines) ---" for Markdown frontmatter is sort of a hack; "---" in Markdown will mean a horizontal line, and seeing "--- (YAML lines)" is YAML-friendly. By definition, "---" will never appear in a YAML "document" (since it delimits the start of the next document), so it's safe to use the second "---" to delimit the end of first YAML document -- er, the Markdown front matter.

(In YAML, though, the real end of a document is "...". So if there's no "..." at the end of the front matter, a naive YAML parser reading a Markdown file with front matter would expect the Markdown to be a second YAML document, so don't feed your Markdown file with front matter to a naive YAML parser.)

(Ironically (in the Morrisette sense), YAML has its own "front matter"; in a YAML file, before the first "---", there can be optional "directives". Markdown-with-front-matter doesn't typically have YAML directives, though.)