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Massive Wiki Wednesday, 2023-11-15
Also see
Next steps
Aim for a good release by end of year
- MWB -> MWP (or new name)
- add that "decentralized/distributed" explanation to the MW philosophy
- here are the benefits, and we think they're worth it
- note that there are costs
- do a plugin architecture? (someday)
- do PyPi module? (someday)
- figure out the internal naming and structure
- do a nice English explanation of how MWP works? (someday)
- create a directory of massive wikis
- make sure they're all updated
- propagate Bill's fix for All Pages chrono to the central distribution places
- https://github.com/Massive-Wiki/massivewikibuilder/commit/3533a5a1cde1b585b6e0dc72cca2096123b2288d
For the "do?" things, understand the motivation, the resources needed, the benefits gained.
MWB / MWP names?
- short, doesn't have obvious meaning
- masWiki