Working on Webmention, 2023-12-17
Working on Webmention, 2023-12-17
permalink (perhaps not needed)Angelo is graciously helping me by answering newbie questions. :-)
My first experiment is to use a service to send Webmentions; the services I've looked at will send a Webmention for links inside an h-entry
The current plan is to wrap the whole body of wiki pages in h-entry
; this page will be doing that.
The content above works! We might not need the u-url
permalink (for future testing). It was parsed and a webmention was sent by, with Pete manually clicking the send button.
Next up: automate sending webmentions when the website is built.
- for each wiki page
- has it changed since we last checked it for sending webmentions?
- if so, for each outgoing link on the page
- send a webmention from this page's url to the url of the outgoing link
- update the "last checked for sending webmentions" time for this page
- if so, for each outgoing link on the page
- has it changed since we last checked it for sending webmentions?
See for libraries.
Consider doing an RSS feed at the same time.